
How To Use a Heat Press Machine Effectively

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ASK the Agency-Marketing and Branding Company


Articulate Rise

My Role

Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer, Writer, Editor, Visual Designer


To create an interactive step-by-step experience for new hires at a marketing and branding company 


The creation of an interactive experience where new hires were able to develop skills on using a heat press machine effectively and independently. 


I enjoyed creating this training course and including lots of visual photos and hotspot interactions. The experience supported the learner in learning new skills and branding new clothing effectively. Employee retention increased by 17% the following year.  

Coaching Skills for Managers: A Collaborative Leadership Approach

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DT&L Professional Development Series


Articulate Storyline

My Role

Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer, Writer, Editor, Visual Designer, Video Production


To create an interactive learning experience for managers on applying coaching soft skills


The creation of an interactive learning experience where managers and or other supervisory titles were able to develop coaching skills and learn the benefits of a manager using coaching skills.


I enjoyed creating this training course and including interactions, developing video and audio production and formative assessments to monitor learner progress. The experience supported the learner in knowing the benefits of applying coaching skills with their employees.